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What Is Text Neck, and How Can a Chiropractor Help?

Written By Amplify Chiropractic and Wellness on January 21, 2024

neck pain

Text neck is a repetitive stress injury that causes a stiff, aching neck and loss of range of motion. At Amplify Chiropractic and Wellness, we specialize in posture correction, workplace ergonomics, and treatment of repetitive stress injuries and spinal misalignments. Read through our treatment options for text neck pain in Poughkeepsie, NY, and then call us to make an appointment.

How Do You Get Text Neck?

Text neck occurs when your head stays in a forward position for a long period of time. This can happen when you look down at your phone, laptop, tablet, or even a book for prolonged periods. Eventually, the weight of your head will put extensive stress on the delicate structures of the cervical spine. This causes a spinal curvature and can damage the nerves, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

What Are Common Text Neck Symptoms? 

The most common symptom of text neck is recurring or chronic neck pain. You may also experience shoulder pain and tightness in the neck and shoulders. You will lose range of motion in your neck, which means it will be hard to turn your head from side to side or nod it up and down without experiencing pain and discomfort. You may experience intermittent or constant headaches or migraines. Some people experience eye pain or strain as well. Eventually, you may develop nerve pain as well as tingling and numbness that extends from the neck to the shoulders and down the arms.  

How We Diagnose Text Neck

We will diagnose text neck by evaluating your symptoms, lifestyle habits, and workplace conditions. We will ask you to complete simple physical movements in our presence so we can assess your range of motion, dexterity, and posture. We may take an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan to determine if you have another underlying condition that is affecting your cervical spine.

Our Text Neck Treatment Options

Our text neck treatment options are designed to address the root of the problem, rather than just mask your symptoms. We will walk you through therapeutic exercises and stretches that will improve the strength of your neck muscles and increase your flexibility and range of motion. We will recommend lifestyle changes as you recover so that you avoid putting further stress on your neck and shoulders. We will suggest ergonomic office equipment to reduce repetitive stress on your neck. We may recommend chiropractic adjustments, laser therapy, and shockwave therapy to address dysfunction in the cervical spine and relieve pain, inflammation, and stiffness.

Schedule an Appointment for Text Neck Treatment in Poughkeepsie, NY

Don’t let neck pain and stiffness affect your daily life any longer. Visit us at Amplify Chiropractic and Wellness for a diagnosis and treatment options for text neck in Poughkeepsie, NY. To learn more, call us today to schedule an appointment, or contact us online

Posted In: Chiropractic Care Neck Pain